Watercolour dog portraits gallery

These are a few of my watercolour dog portraits: a mixture of latest creations and paintings that hold a special memory for me during my watercolour journey.

A regal Weimaraner portrait or two

This colourful watercolour of a short-haired Weimaraner is one of my latest dog portraits. I painted it in preparation to teach my watercolour class how to use gravity and the flow of water alone to mix colours on the paper during the initial wash.

Short-haired Weimaraner dog portrait.


How I painted the second Weimaraner dog portrait - the class demonstration - can be seen here, along with details of the colours and materials that I used - colourful watercolour dog portrait.


Abandoned Gora

Watercolor dog portraits.


This is Gora.

The despair and lack of hope in her eyes touched me so very deeply.

Eyes that told of a mother, broken and without hope for the life of her daughter. Born when she wasn't even a year old herself. Both dumped by a hunter because they didn't know how to hunt the way he wanted. And now sat at 3 and 2 years old in a freezing cold shelter in northern Spain, with the full cold of winter yet to come.

When their pictures and the story of their abandonment popped up in my Facebook news feed I so wanted to help, but couldn't take them in. So I painted her in the hope that doing so would help spread her story, and that of her daughter, to more people. That those eyes would reach out to someone who could give her and her daughter a forever home. Together.

To put a light back into them. And erase a little, if not a lot, of her memory of what a man had done to her.

A while later I read that both had been reserved for adoption. Together. (Despite asking, I haven't been able to ascertain whether the adoption went through and that they are now in loving arms.)


One of my very early watercolours - Maya

A lovely lady I first met on Facebook had posted a photograph of her dog called Maya who had sadly passed away. The look of adoration in Maya's eyes for her owner was so lovely that I just had to paint her.

It has a special place in my heart because Maya was the first dog I ever painted. And, because, so sadly and way too young, that lovely lady also passed away not long after I visited her to give her the painting.





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