My watercolour portraits blog

What's New...

Here you will find my latest paintings as I take the masking tape off. Often as not, with photographs of each major step and my thoughts/decison-making along the way.

And new articles with tips and techniques to set you off flying on your watercolour portrait painting journey with the results that you want to see. You're going to have so much fun!


The new additions


Colourful watercolour portraits - 3 colour combinations for you to try

These three colourful watercolour portraits were all painted with a different limited palette of just three colours. If you are a beginner in watercolour you can try these! I have done all the pre-painting preparation for you so that you are left with the easy part: all you need to do is play and have some fun!

Colourful watercolour portraits - the hot one!

Continue reading "Colourful watercolour portraits - 3 colour combinations for you to try"

Exhibiting in Gigglewick Gallery, Worthing

I am delighted to let you know that you can now find a selection of my watercolours -  including this vibrant "Mr Fox" and "Girl in blue"-  at the lovely Gigglewick Gallery, in Worthing, West Sussex. The gallery is in the unique location of The Royal Arcade, opposite the seafront and pier.  


Mr Fox watercolour


Girl in blue watercolour

Watercolour tips for beginners - including the ugly duckling!

Watercolour tips for beginners. The do's and don'ts and lightening bolt moments I've learnt along my watercolour journey that will give you the watercolour painting results you want. Faster.

Some will be easier to follow or stick to than others!

How much water do you need to use with watercolour

Continue reading "Watercolour tips for beginners - including the ugly duckling!"

Should beginners paint watercolour portraits?

Should beginners paint watercolour portraits? Yes! Absolutely! Find out why.

Should beginners paint watercolour portraits?

Continue reading "Should beginners paint watercolour portraits?"

Mixed media watercolour portrait

A mixed media watercolour portrait, "If I only could". The ideas and techniques I used whilst listening to Kate Bush's "Running up that hill".

Mixed media watercolour portrait

Continue reading "Mixed media watercolour portrait"

Tips for watercolour portraits

Tips for watercolour portraits

These beginner tips for watercolour portraits will give you a head start in achieving the results you want to see, quickly.

Continue reading "Tips for watercolour portraits"

Colourful watercolour dog portrait

How to paint a colourful watercolour dog portrait in a loose watercolour style.

Continue reading "Colourful watercolour dog portrait"

Watercolour dog portraits gallery

Watercolour dog portraits: colourful creations and paintings that hold a special memory for me during my watercolour journey.

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"I know how I feel."

"It's a new day. It's a new dawn. I know how I feel."

Watercolour portrait painting with a limited palette

I already had a title in mind for this portrait before I finished her today, but when I took her outside into my garden this afternoon with my camera, this magically happened...

Garden shadows on a watercolour portrait painting

Now I can't wait to paint her again with the base grey shadows from my olive tree in place first.

Painted with two pigments: Royal Talens Van Gogh Cerulean Blue and Schmincke Madder Brown on Fabriano watercolour paper with a Da Vinci Spin Synthetic size 1 brush.

Watercolour hares

My rogues gallery of watercolour hares: hares with moons, bees, steely looks and huge grins.

Watercolour hare

Continue reading "Watercolour hares"

A watercolour fox: the perfect gentleman for a super granulating pigment

Sometimes when you see an image you just know you have to paint it, don't you. And, sometimes you know just which colour you want to use. Well, that was exactly the case with a stunning photo of a red fox and a super granulating black pigment.

Watercolour fox painting

Continue reading "A watercolour fox: the perfect gentleman for a super granulating pigment"

Painting a monochrome watercolour portrait: the best colours to choose

You don't need all the colours in your palette to tell a story or paint a portrait with an impact.

Monochrome watercolour portrait in Payne's Grey

Continue reading "Painting a monochrome watercolour portrait: the best colours to choose"